Learn to design landing pages that sell for you.
A 10-day email course that'll help you land more trial signups for your software company.
- Actionable insights to improve your designs.
- In-depth conversion-rate optimization case studies.
- Occassional memes and good times.
Welcome surprise 😉
Here's a special something just for signing up.
Day #1: Your customers
These are the fundamentals
Day #2: Your company
How are you positioned? This affects everything
Day #3: Your offer
What is the unique value proposition?
Day #4: The benefits
How are you different from your competition?
Day #5: Copywriting 101
You absolutely must understand how to write copy
Day #6: The visual hierarchy
This is how users will consume your content
"Hi Marc, what you did here with this personalized video was awesome. I'm going to steal it."
Dmitri Rassadov
"Hands down, this is the best welcome I've ever had to a newsletter, and I've signed up for a LOT of newsletters."
Rob White
What's in the course?
What's waiting for you behind that signup form?
The first few days will be a pre-scheduled design course, aimed at helping you understand exactly what it takes to design a landing page that converts.
Then, it's weekly insights about design, software development, and real examples of highly-converting design.
Hey! I'm Marc. 👋
I've been on a mission to save software companies from mediocre design for the past 13 years.
What sets me apart is that I'm HYPER results-focused, and I can actually build out my designs as well.
If you want to learn more about me, you can watch me design stuff LIVE on YouTube, or check out some of my podcast appearances.